Monday, November 3, 2008

Great Weekend

We didn't do anything special this weekend, just spent some time with our kids and that is what family is all about.

On Friday Daddy took the two youngest (7 years old and 21 months old) trick-or-treating and I went to a close friend's house and we had a nice chat over a cup of tea while handing out a TON of candy. The weather was very nice (in the mid 60's at T/T time) so there was a huge turn out this year. So much fun to see what the kids (and Moms) came up with for their costumes. Here are our two characters.

My husband had his duty weekend for the Air Force Reserves but he drives down each day and is home with us in the evenings. So Saturday the kids and I had the house and laundry essentially done (as done as it ever gets with a big family), then we spent a pleasant afternoon watching some football (ok, our team lost but in triple overtime). After Daddy got home and dinner was over we spent a couple of hours playing Apples to Apples. A really fun game where everyone is pretty equal because there is no real skill involved. My brother in law stopped by to bring the kids some treats and stayed to play and our daughter had a friend over who also joined in the fun. If you don't have this game you should put it on your Christmas list! The only one who couldn't participate was the baby, and she didn't care too much until she got sleepy. Anyway this is great family fun that delivers on its advertising promises (not something every game can claim). We had participants ranging in age from 7 to 46 and we all had fun!

On Sunday we went to church in the morning came home had some lunch and put the two youngest down for naps (they'd been up way too late the night before). Everyone just vegged out during the afternoon passing time waiting for Daddy to come home. Sunday evening was spent in front of the fireplace with the 2 little ones reading and watching Scooby Doo. All in all just a relaxing, casual weekend filled with family time (and very little fighting). I feel renewed to start the coming week.

So what did you do this weekend? Do you have any great game recommedations? Let me know.

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